Can You Fix Your Gummy Smile Without Surgery?

If you don't like your smile because you have an excessive gingival display in proportion to your enamel, you may have a gummy smile. Some people with gummy smiles think that they can only correct the problem through major jaw surgery. While jaw surgery can certainly be an option for severe cases, there are other options to consider. A dentist will want to narrow down the cause of your gummy smile, and you may want to look at minimally invasive procedures first.

Missing A Tooth? 3 Reasons To Invest In A Dental Implant

A healthy smile is something that many people value. Losing a tooth has the potential to detract from the beauty of your smile. A missing tooth can also create oral health problems for you in the future. Dentists have many tools available at their disposal when it comes to replacing a missing tooth. Before you decide between a bridge, dentures, or a dental implant, take the time to learn why an implant may be your best option.

3 Concrete Reasons Why You Need To Invest In Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

A beautiful smile and straight teeth can boost your confidence. If you have crowded, misaligned, or crooked teeth, you can get them aligned using various treatment options, including using traditional braces. However, although braces have successfully improved millions of smiles across the world, you need to consider another innovative treatment option, which is Invisalign. This dental treatment option entails a series of invisible and high-quality aligners that align your crooked teeth and give you an attractive smile.

Great Reasons To Consider Clear Removable Teeth Aligners

Removable teeth aligners have gained popularity over the past few years. They are a good solution for individuals who want to straighten their teeth but do not want metal brackets. This orthodontic solution also is a good fit for individuals who are concerned about diet restrictions that are associated with braces. Clear removable teeth aligners can be seamlessly worn and easily removed before and after eating. The following points will help you learn more about this innovative orthodontic solution.